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Buy European trucks from all brandsfast and risk-free
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Register & get verified

Register with your email and provide a set of company documents required. If you have any questions you can always reach out to us.

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Find a truck and make an offer

Our matching capabilities will provide you the truck you’re looking for so you can efficiently negotiate the best price.



Pay securely and we take care of logistics

Pay through our secure system. We will then ship your truck to your destination harbor, included in the price.

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Buying trucks has never been easier, safer and more convenient.

All in your favorite language.

Buying trucks has never been easier, safer and more convenient.

Trusted parties

All European sellers are checked and verified to ensure the best buying experience and trust.

Data protection

The high European data security and data protection standard is ensured. Only you can see your data.

Buy online

Buy online

Negotiate prices online - almost like in real life. With multiple sellers at the same point in time.

Your Language

Your Language

Experience the whole process in your language. Our team of native speakers is here to help.

Partners testimonials

Philip Panaino

Global Head of Cash Management, SC Bank

Person cart media imagePerson cart media image

“Escrow protected payments on WTX are frictionless and powered by Standard Chartered and Tazapay.”

Get in touch now and start buying

Mohamed Abdelrahman

Business Development

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“We strive to understand our clients speaking their language and best supporting their business.”